The Art Book

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    Embark on a tour of the world's greatest artistic movements and works, from prehistoric cave paintings to performance art with The Art Book, the latest in the stunning Big Ideas series. The Art Book explores the most celebrated artworks by history's most influential painters, sculptors, and artists with stunning visuals and insightful quotes. Discover profiles of the most important artists from across the globe, stretching from the prehistoric Altamira cave paintings and Chinese jade carvings to movements including impressionism, symbolism, and cubism. Understand the ideas which inspired masterpieces by Botticelli, Rembrandt, Klimt, Matisse, Picasso, and dozens more, with The Art Book's fascinating coverage of painting, drawing, printing, sculpture, conceptual art, and performance art, from ancient history to the modern day.
    Артикул 988175
    Издательство DK
    Вес, г 20
    Год издания 2017
    Серия книг Big Ideas
    Жанр Non-Fiction
    Возраст 0+
    Переплет Твердый переплет
    Размер, мм 210х310х20
    Язык Английский
    Страна производитель Россия
    Отзывы 0
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