Little Book of Alexander McQueen

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    "Give me time and I'll give you a revolution" – Alexander McQueen Ever since its creation in 1992, the House of Alexander McQueen has been synonymous with drama, risk-taking and cutting-edge innovation. From iconic collaborations, like with Lady Gaga for her "Bad Romance" music video, to shockingly controversial runway shows like The Horn of Plenty, Alexander McQueen was beloved for his fantastical silhouettes and blurring of gender lines. This exquisitely illustrated volume explores the story behind the House, from McQueen's own early days to the current leadership of Sarah Burton. Through a carefully curated collection of finished designs, close-up details and sketches, this book pulls back the veil on the wonderful world of McQueen.

    Артикул 1412054
    ISBN 978-1-8479-6100-6
    Серия книг Little Books of Fashion
    Количество страниц 176
    Год издания 2023
    Издательство Wellbeck Publishing Group
    Жанр Мода
    Возраст 16+
    Переплет Твердый переплет
    Язык Английский
    Страна производитель Китай
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